Merry 4th Day of Christmas, friends! I’m glad we don’t have to stop celebrating Christmas quite yet, even if the 25th is now past. I love the old English tradition of the 12 days of Christmas, carrying us right up to Epiphany on the 6th of January. Sometimes I enjoy the days after Christmas even […]
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Music that Tells a Story: What Are Your Favorite Soundtracks?

It’s the week before finals at our high school. And it shows–whether in my brain-fried students, two of whom called me completely different names the other day, or in myself, who later the same day stopped at a green light for no apparent reason, yielding my husband’s alarm and taking over the driving after […]
Graduations, Movie Music, Movie SoundtracksCome and See: Glimpsing His Presence Now

We stood around our students, we teacher-chaperones, our arms outstretched over them. Together we prayed, aloud and all at once, as believers in Korean churches often do. And amid sniffles from the students and tears pricking my own eyes, I felt the presence of Jesus there, covering us, surrounding us. Have you […]
Come and See, Michael CardHave Mercy on Us: Of Old Liturgy, Chalk Words, and When We Just Need His Grace

England has been on my mind a lot lately—partly because my husband and I love British TV shows (really, I do like Downton Abbey and Dr. Who and Call the Midwife and Sherlock way better than most American shows I’ve seen!). And partly because my sister is going to get to study abroad at […]
Kyrie Eleison, TrisagionMusic that Tells a Story—and Helps Us Better Tell Ours

The other evening, my parents watched The Legend of Bagger Vance for their “date night” in our living room. “It was a good movie,” my mom told me afterward. “Sounded like it,” I said, “by the music.” It’s funny. I had picked up very little of the storyline from the bits and […]