Merry 4th Day of Christmas, friends! I’m glad we don’t have to stop celebrating Christmas quite yet, even if the 25th is now past. I love the old English tradition of the 12 days of Christmas, carrying us right up to Epiphany on the 6th of January. Sometimes I enjoy the days after Christmas even […]
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The Promise: When Dreams Come True, Stories Live, and Nothing is Impossible with God

Last week, I sat in a darkened church and saw a story live and breathe on stage…the story of Immanuel. I saw a young girl, unsure about being betrothed to a man she knew little, have her world turned upside down when one of God’s heavenly warriors showed up in her little home in Nazareth, […]
Christmas musical, Michael Card, The PromiseHe Never Said It Would Be Easy: of Theater Productions, Marriage, and the First Christmas

It’s almost Christmastime. In many ways, the season has already begun—Christmas music on the radio, Christmas movies on Netflix. We even got our Christmas tree this past Sunday, much to our kittens’ amazement and delight—and some scolding as we learn the Christmas tree is for looking at, lying under, and gently playing with the lower […]
Christmas, marriage, Michael Card, Nativity story, The Promise, theaterOur God who Grieves: BBC’s Father Brown, Unexpected Tears, and Jesus

My newest favorite BBC TV show is the cozy mystery series Father Brown, based on the character created by author G.K. Chesterton. He reminds me of a cross between Sherlock Holmes and Father Tim of the Mitford books, this balding, kindly priest with equally incorrigible compassion for lost sheep and taste for a good mystery. […]
BBC TV, Father Brown, griefOur God Who Knows: Blog Tour and Giveaway with Author Debbie Lynne Costello!

Today I’m excited to host historical author Debbie Lynne Costello here on my blog! It’s been a blessing to get to know Debbie a bit as she has welcomed me as a new blogger on the Heroes, Heroines, and History blog, of which she is a hostess. In addition to sharing some of her personal […]
Blog Tour, Book Giveaway, Debbie Lynne Costello, Sword of the MatchmakerCome and See: Glimpsing His Presence Now

We stood around our students, we teacher-chaperones, our arms outstretched over them. Together we prayed, aloud and all at once, as believers in Korean churches often do. And amid sniffles from the students and tears pricking my own eyes, I felt the presence of Jesus there, covering us, surrounding us. Have you […]
Come and See, Michael CardOf Hidden Figures, Inaugurations, and Finding Reasons to Hope

My husband and I sat in the movie theater watching Hidden Figures on Martin Luther King Jr. Day this year. I loved the movie—so well written, directed, and acted, and such a beautifully inspiring true story. If you haven’t seen this uplifting film of three African-American women, mathematical and computer geniuses working at […]
Hidden FiguresFalling like the Rain: Mercies in the New Year

It’s raining as I write this, pattering gently down outside the darkened windows of my parents’ white farmhouse-style home. I’m in their cozy guest room upstairs, the one with quilt-covered bed and fireplace and the little antique desk where I’ve done much writing. Though I no longer live in this place, it’s been […]
Fall like the Rain, mercy, rainJourney to Bethlehem: Mary

Join us on this special Advent journey! And be sure to comment with an idea for another character to add to this series if you want to enter the Cozy Christmas giveaway (see this post). Stay tuned for more…and a blessed Christmas season to you, friends! Mary “For the Mighty One has done […]
Book Giveaway, ChristmasLooking to the Kingdom: Of Elections, Division, and Reasons to Hope

It was Election Day, and my Journalism students entered the classroom vigorously debating the merits—or lack thereof—of the U.S. presidential candidates. I told them that it was fine to have opinions, but they needed to be civil to each other. Upon which some defended their freedom of speech, only to be reminded that […]
U.S. elections