My newest favorite BBC TV show is the cozy mystery series Father Brown, based on the character created by author G.K. Chesterton. He reminds me of a cross between Sherlock Holmes and Father Tim of the Mitford books, this balding, kindly priest with equally incorrigible compassion for lost sheep and taste for a good mystery. […]
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Have Mercy on Us: Of Old Liturgy, Chalk Words, and When We Just Need His Grace

England has been on my mind a lot lately—partly because my husband and I love British TV shows (really, I do like Downton Abbey and Dr. Who and Call the Midwife and Sherlock way better than most American shows I’ve seen!). And partly because my sister is going to get to study abroad at […]
Kyrie Eleison, TrisagionDominus Illuminatio Mea

Christchurch Meadow, Oxford, in January. It has been a rather gray, drizzly day. Generally I love the rain, and I have enjoyed it today the few times it’s been heavy enough to actually pitter-patter, but coupled with people in our house not feeling very well—including me—and some general stress, it’s felt a bit dreary. This […]
Hints of Spring

A daffodil bloomed in our patio today. My sister and I bought the little pot of miniature daffodils a few years ago for our mom. In fall and early winter, it sits empty, the bare brown bulbs apparently dead. But each spring, fresh shoots of green spear above the earth. And then open the delicate […]