Last Sunday my family went for a catamaran ride. I don’t think I even knew what a catamaran was before last week. But while up on Santa Cruz for a week—thanks to generous cousins making their beach cottage available to us—my dad found that joining a group on a catamaran would […]
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Of Summer Rain and Quietness

It rained last night. Oh, I know that might not seem unusual to those of you in more eastern climes where summer rain falls often. But to us in drought-parched southern California, where rain on a warm June night is near unheard of even in good years, this moisture came a sweetly […]
White Blossoms in the Dark

It’s January, and the blossom trees are coming out. Though here in southern California we do get spring flowers while much of the country lies still immersed in winter, it’s been an unusually warm month even for here, and the pink and white tufted trees keep catching me by surprise. The other night as my […]
Busyness, Next Steps, and One Thing

We put on a show the other day.During both performances, I stood in my little corner at the back of the theater, near the door to handle tickets for any late-comers and close to the table of “Singing Valentines” I supervised at intermission, and watched in delight as our young performers–ages 9 to 25–danced, sang, […]
Snapshots from the Diné Tah

I spent this past weekend in New Mexico again, in the Diné Tah, that beautiful land of the Navajo people whom I am so privileged to continue learning from and writing about.There is much on my heart to write and share with you, from this trip and others, but I came home and promptly got […]
June Thankfulness

So much crazy busyness lately at our house, between high-gear pre-production for Cinderellaand the final push for finishing revising my manuscript. Thusly, dear blog readers, my posts are likely to be limited to once a week or so for a few weeks. But while sometimes it feels like we’re barely keeping our heads above water […]
Tiny Reminders

I took a walk this morning and was struck by the flowers. Not so much the cultivated roses and azaleas in people’s yards, but the tiny ones sprinkling the parkways, almost too small to notice unless you were looking. I gathered a few of each kind—yellow and lavender, fuchsia and periwinkle, blossoms and stars and […]
March Thankfulness

Just after I titled this post, I got up to settle my grandma in her favorite spot in the sun and handed her today’s paper. The front-page photo caught my eye, a man carrying a boy wounded in the current conflict in Syria. I turned the paper over so it wouldn’t upset my grandma too […]
Considering the Birds

I’ve been hearing birdsong a lot lately—I guess it must mean spring is coming. This morning when my sister and I were having our quiet times, some sweet little bird was trilling merrily outside our window. My sister said, “You know that verse in James that talks about how every good and perfect gift is […]
Hints of Spring

A daffodil bloomed in our patio today. My sister and I bought the little pot of miniature daffodils a few years ago for our mom. In fall and early winter, it sits empty, the bare brown bulbs apparently dead. But each spring, fresh shoots of green spear above the earth. And then open the delicate […]