Just after I titled this post, I got up to settle my grandma in her favorite spot in the sun and handed her today’s paper. The front-page photo caught my eye, a man carrying a boy wounded in the current conflict in Syria. I turned the paper over so it wouldn’t upset my grandma too much, but suddenly I didn’t feel much like writing about spring flowers and thankfulness.
Sometimes all that is awful in this world feels overwhelming. I’m reading a series of books bringing to life the evils of present-day human trafficking…at times it literally makes me feel sick to my stomach. Then I read a blog reminding me of the centuries of oppression enacted by Americans on our country’s native population, and my heart weighted still more.
I took a walk, wondering whether I should change my blog topic. Yet we are told to “In everything give thanks.” I don’t think that means for everything—I don’t think the Lord wants us necessarily to be thankful for such atrocities as these. But in everything, He does…whether day-to-day hardships or true tragedies. Thankful for what? For Him, surely. That He is good, and that He is working even now to bring redemption and healing and beauty to the places in this world where Satan and our own sinfulness have wreaked havoc. That He has come Himself to be among us, to take the worst of the ugliness on Himself and to save and heal and redeem us. That someday He will wipe all tears from our eyes.
And He gives us so many blessings, even now, that remind us of all this. So I started listing them in my mind.
New green misting the trees—it’s spring!
Rosy dogwood blossoms on our neighbors’ tree.
Little girls practicing handstands on a front lawn down the street.
Bees buzzing in the clover.
Fun going to a musical and out to eat with my sister this past weekend—pretty nice to have a best friend in your own house. ☺
Family members arriving safely home.
The sweet scents of orange blossoms and sprinklers on wet grass.
Another upcoming writers conference to attend with special critique partners.
Laughter and giggles.
His strength and sovereignty amid my weakness.
Thank You, Lord.
I’m thankful to have a critique partner like you, and am so sorry I won’t get to see you at this year’s conference.
🙁 I’m sorry too! We will miss you–Sarah said maybe we can visit in the evenings? And I’m so thankful for you too!