Hello, friends–I have some exciting news for you! In view of some upcoming developments with my writing, and out of a desire to connect more personally with you, my readers, I am launching a quarterly newsletter! You can subscribe here. I’m so looking forward to sharing this first issue with you…I’ve packed it full […]
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Getting Ready for a Baby

Merry 4th Day of Christmas, friends! I’m glad we don’t have to stop celebrating Christmas quite yet, even if the 25th is now past. I love the old English tradition of the 12 days of Christmas, carrying us right up to Epiphany on the 6th of January. Sometimes I enjoy the days after Christmas even […]
" Christmas music, "Getting Ready for a Baby, Babies, ChristmasHe Never Said It Would Be Easy: of Theater Productions, Marriage, and the First Christmas

It’s almost Christmastime. In many ways, the season has already begun—Christmas music on the radio, Christmas movies on Netflix. We even got our Christmas tree this past Sunday, much to our kittens’ amazement and delight—and some scolding as we learn the Christmas tree is for looking at, lying under, and gently playing with the lower […]
Christmas, marriage, Michael Card, Nativity story, The Promise, theaterThat Night in Bethlehem…Merry Christmas!

A bit of a 3rd day of Christmas gift for you, friends…thank you for joining me in some of these snippets from the Journey to Bethlehem yet again, and Merry Christmas! Joy to our dark and troubled world…our Lord is come. “How silently, how silently The wondrous gift is given So God imparts to […]
Christmas, Jesus, Journy to BethlehemJourney to Bethlehem: Mary

Join us on this special Advent journey! And be sure to comment with an idea for another character to add to this series if you want to enter the Cozy Christmas giveaway (see this post). Stay tuned for more…and a blessed Christmas season to you, friends! Mary “For the Mighty One has done […]
Book Giveaway, ChristmasJourney to Bethlehem Time – and a Christmas Giveaway!

It’s Advent, friends! Perhaps the time of year most precious to my heart. Over the past few years, I’ve been so blessed by writing and sharing the “Journey to Bethlehem” with you, as I’ve taken time to slow and ponder what might have been on the hearts of the various real people who were privileged […]
Advent, Book Giveaway, Christmas, Journey to BethlehemWhen We Desperately Need Christmas

Over the past few years, I’ve shared the “Journey toward Bethlehem” with you reader friends as we’ve explored what might have been in the hearts and minds of those very real people in the quiet, wondrous, incredibly human-and-divine miracle we celebrate at Christmas. The coming into this dark and sin-broken world of Jesus…for us. […]
Advent, Christmas“Do Not Be Afraid” in a Scary World

I was feeling good. My classes had gone well so far, things felt fine between my fiancé and me. After my last study hall for the morning, I clocked out for my break and opened Yahoo to check my email. And saw, “Breaking News: Active Shooter in San Bernardino, CA.” With beating heart, […]
Christmas, do not be afraid, mass shootings