“Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust.” ~Psalm 103:13-14
Tomorrow my sister and I will teach our Pre K-Kindergarten Sunday School Class a lesson on God’s mercifulness. The lesson includes the parable of the Prodigal Son, and it struck me this morning what an appropriate story that is to teach on Father’s Day…surely one of Scripture’s most poignant passages on the tender, forgiving love of our Father’s heart.
I am one of those blessed to have a Daddy who does reflect our heavenly Father’s heart to his children, though of course through human imperfection. He cares for us, provides for us, sacrifices for us, hugs us, loves us, forgives us when we do wrong. I know this is not so for everyone. Yet what a comfort to know that for all who know the Lord, whether given a loving earthly dad or not, there is a Father to celebrate on Father’s Day, One who loves us perfectly even when the best earthly fathers fall short.
Our heavenly Father loves us enough that He sent His only begotten Son to die in our place so we could become His sons and daughters, too…so that He can hold His arms wide when we come back to Him from wandering our own ways, so He can even run to meet us and hold us close. What a Father.
Happy Father’s Day to my beloved earthly Daddy…and my heavenly Abba.