Quiet rests over our patio this Sunday afternoon. A bird twittered above my head at first, but now I think he has moved to a more distant treetop. The neighbors’ air conditioner hums. Leaves rustle in a faint summer breeze.
I came out here to write an entirely different post. But when I sat down and even typed the title, I sensed the Lord whispering to my heart through the little bird’s song. Be still. Listen. Only I didn’t listen. I wanted to get my post done. I went inside for a pair of earphones, so I could hear music that might inspire me for the post I wanted to write. While inside, I realized I should fix my grandmother a snack. As I peeled and sliced our homegrown peaches for her, my heart relented. Okay, Lord. I’m sorry. I’ll listen.
I came back outside with my own teacup of peaches, milk, and cream. I sat back down. And I began to write, this time trying to listen to the Lord as I did.
It’s challenging, in this world of Facebook and iPhones, of deadlines and crammed schedules, to be still. To listen. Life has been hectic for our family lately, between Seussical rehearsals, set-painting and the multitude of details that must be organized in preparation for the show’s opening this week, on top of the day-to-day tasks and grandma-care and emails that must still happen somehow. Many a night I stay up typing past midnight, since it is hard to fit much novel-writing into daylight hours right now. I know others’ lives are just as busy with their own plethora of duties, joys, and responsibilities the Lord has given them. Good things, many of these. But it is often hard to remember to stop long enough to be still and know that He is God.
I’m reminded, though, of the devotional my mom led for our cast before rehearsal yesterday. The name of our theater company is Showlights, and at the beginning of this school year my mom gave each student a glow-in-the-dark star. She explained they must let the star sit under a bright light for a while before it could shine in the darkness. Yesterday, she brought the star box out again and passed it around once more, as many of our cast members are newer to the group and had not received one. And she reminded them that, just like these stars, we cannot shine the light of Jesus unless we take time to soak in His presence, His light. My mom encouraged each of our young actors to take time this week, in spite of the busyness, to spend time with Jesus, to absorb Him, so that we might truly “show light” to our audiences as our show opens this weekend. My own heart was touched as I listened to her words and the children’s prayers.
Often, the Lord has to remind me that,
“In returning and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15, literal translation)
I don’t want the ending of the verse to be true of me: “But you were not willing.”
I’m thankful He helped me to be willing today. And hopefully someday soon, I’ll get that other post written. ☺
May you know His rest this Sunday.
Thank you, Kiersti! Your mom’s devotional is inspiring–I may steal it sometime 😉 Thanks for your words of wisdom and the reminder to listen and be “in the Word” so our light will shine.
Thanks, Sarah! I’m glad you liked the illustration as I did. I’m sure my mom wouldn’t mind if you borrowed it. 🙂 Do you ever teach Sunday School/VBS?
I, along with my husband, am director of our VBS and I teach an all-ages children’s Bible Class on Wednesday night–we only have 7 kids between 18 months and 10 yrs most weeks. You teach a Sunday School class, don’t you? Bet the kids adore you!
This was a good post. Come and follow my blog.
Thank you! And your blog looks intriguing–I love all the Civil War costumes and reenacting!