“Fast away the old year passes, Falalalalalalalala
Hail the new, ye lads and lasses, Falalalalalalalala…”
My critique partners and I have been chatting about New Year’s resolutions, goals, or hopes this past week. It hasn’t been something I’ve usually done, picking a particular aim for a new year…I’m not sure if it’s more because I’ve learned God’s goals tend to be pretty different from mine or just laziness. But there are two things the Lord has laid on my heart in the past few days.
While people who don’t know me well might not label me a controlling person, I struggle with this…which became abundantly clear as I was laid up sick during a very busy time of year this past week. I often want to jump in and fix things, to intervene and “save the day” in situations that might work out better if I minded my own business. I want to grow in letting the Lord be in control–as He is–and listening to His voice as to what He wants me to do and not do, rather than just plunging ahead. Something I heard a pastor say in a Christmastime sermon once has stuck in my heart over the years:
“The more we try to ‘be God,’ the less we become like God; the more we let God be God, the more we become like God.”
Seeking Jesus.
I tend to focus on or try to find satisfaction in various things—often good things, even godly things or things that revolve around Jesus. But if I focus on them rather than Jesus Himself, I will always come up unsatisfied. Whether writing or reading or working or helping with theater or just being with my family, I hope this year He will teach me more to keep my eyes truly on Him, not just off to the side. To delight myself in Him, and in Him find all the desires of my heart.
What about you? Do you make New Year’s resolutions, or find the Lord gives you a special word or focus for each new year?
Thanks be to God for being a Lord of new beginnings. Happy New Year, everyone!