View of Oxford from a medieval church tower. |
A little over five years ago, I waved good-bye to my family and stepped onto a plane to study abroad for a semester in Oxford, England. I later wrote that I’d felt a bit like an eaglet thrust from a cliff-top nest, hurtling into space with no inkling what lay below.
But while I felt I was letting go and leaving all that was secure and familiar, I learned the Lord was present just as much in England as anywhere—that while He might let me flutter and even plunge awkwardly downward while learning to flap my wings, He would always be there to catch me and bear me up on His strong ones. To teach me to fly.
I’ve felt a bit like that cliff-top eaglet again lately. So much is in transition for my family, and some new steps that lie ahead seem at times like stepping off a cliff where I can’t see at all what lies beneath the clouds. Who in their right mind would take a step like that?
But followers of our God do—at least when He leads us. Like the priests who had to step into the Jordan River before it would part for the Israelites to cross. Like Peter who had to step out of the boat to see if he could, with Jesus, walk on water. Like Ruth who ventured into a strange land with no idea what awaited her, nothing to cling to but a kernel of faith in the God of Israel under whose wings she had come to take refuge.
Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning; for I trust in You; Teach me the way in which I should walk; for to You I lift up my soul. Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies; I take refuge in You. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground…For I am Your servant.
~Psalm 143: 8-10, 12
I read that recently. It seemed a good prayer for these days.
If I think of all the possibilities and what could go wrong in different scenarios, my head starts to spin. But we’re not supposed to spend our time and energy doing that, are we? This beautiful post by Ann Voskamp seemed written for me this week. Maybe it was written for you too.
Thankful am I for a God we can trust enough to spread our wings.
And regardless of the unknown that may happen, to be not afraid.
Oh my word, I cannot, CANNOT imagine my life without Jesus. I can’t .
Me either.
[…] it’s the latent pioneer girl in me. Then it actually hits: starting at a new school, going overseas to Oxford, England, for a semester, having my little sister go off to college. And I collapse in confusion and tears, wishing […]