My family’s life right now is a whirl of rehearsals, emails, and phone calls, of altering costumes and gathering props, of organizing tickets and writing programs, of juggling—as are our directors and all the families involved in our upcoming production of Cinderella—all the myriad details that come with putting on a musical. We open in just over a week.
I often think of song snippets from “Another Opening, Another Show” or “There’s No Business Like Show Business” at times like these. This is the third full musical our little company has put on, and around this time int the process it always feels a little unsure how everything is going to come together. But God is always faithful, and I know He will be again. He has done so much already—He always seems to make sure we know He is the only One who can make it all possible.
And, despite the headaches and heartaches and backaches the song speaks of, it’s still true that we love this—the thrill of everyone working together, parents, kids, adults, stage crew, directors, staff, set artists, costume designers, seamstresses—to bring a story to life for the hundreds of people who will come and experience, through the conduit of a beloved fairy tale, how the proud are humbled and the humble exalted; be reminded that with God, all things are possible; and that He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, to seat them with princes of His people.
And so, by God’s grace—we go on with the show.