Am I the only one who always has to think about the spelling of this month? Or am I the only one who doesn’t tend to pronounce that first “r”? 🙂
Well, I’ve officially missed my Tuesday blog for this week. Sometimes life just happens–or I just forget. So, I thought today I would merely direct your attention to a few of my favorite blogs. Most are already on my blog list to the right, but sometimes you don’t click on blogs you know nothing about–or at least I don’t. And I think you’d be blest by clicking around on some of these, presented below in roughly the order I discovered them.
YLCF (Young Ladies Christian Fellowship)
This is officially the first blog I followed. I actually discovered it before I knew what a blog was (way back in 2005). While I’ve never actually met any of them, the girls of YLCF have blessed me so many, many times over the years through their writing, their hearts, their fun, their love for Jesus, that I feel like I know them. While the blog especially caters to young women raised in conservative, often homeschooling, Christian circles, I love the way the authors keep the focus on Jesus and not on that particular subculture.
Lanier is a true word-weaver, a lover and spreader of the God’s beauty like no one else I’ve found…again, I haven’t met her, but “knowing” her through her writing and once an email correspondence have so enriched my life. Visiting her blog has something of the effect of a cup of hot tea, a C.S. Lewis book, a trip to the country, an Evensong service, and a trip to England all in one. She doesn’t update very often, but every post is a treat and refreshment to the soul.
Mark Charles (link), son of the Navajo/Anglo couple who have so taken me under their wings and into their hearts in the writing of my novel, travels, writes, and speaks on issues of Native American healing and racial reconciliation. His posts are well worth reading and will make you think. His most recent article on Mitt Romney (not politically focused, by the way) certainly did me.
Books, Bands, and Running Shoes
Sarah Tipton, my amazingly gifted critique partner and wonderful friend, writes contemporary Young Adult fiction as well as this delightful blog. Click in on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for her humorous and insightful takes on books, movies, writing, living in Alaska (she does), and life in general. You’ll love her.
Marilyn Turk, another beloved critique partner and my historical writing buddy in our group, writes a lovely twofold blog. Her Lighthouse Blog parallels the theme of her Civil War series with historical lighthouse stories and little-known facts while A Writer’s Path chronicles her journey (and that of many of us) as an emerging novelist. Do click.
This one I list with a bit of fear and trembling. But I have been visiting this blog more lately, and it always makes me think, for here write believers unafraid–or pushing forward in spite of being afraid–to tackle and wrestle with the hard issues of this day and culture. I always–even often–don’t agree with everything that’s posted. But I don’t think they intend us to–they just want us to be willing to think about these issues, to talk about and wrestle with how to follow Jesus in the midst of them, rather than pretending they don’t exist. And it seems to me that is a good thing.
Well, that’s enough for today. Oh, and if you’re a friend whose blog I didn’t post–please know it doesn’t mean I don’t like you. I just wanted to highlight a few I know are intended for the public eye and not those primarily of a more personal nature. 🙂