So…I realized I never shared many snapshots from my most recent writer’s journey last month, to the ACFW conference in Indianapolis and then to visit friends and go a-researching once more in New Mexico and Arizona.
Well, only one way to fix that!
First, a peek into the ACFW Genre Night: I modeled a 1910-era white eyelet dress that had been in our family, very like what my heroine, Caroline Haynes, might have worn on a summer’s day in my story Beneath a Turquoise Sky. I also wore a turquoise and silver necklace–can you see it?–in honor of the Navajo people she comes to learn from and love.
Here I am with two of my beloved critique partners, YA story-spinner Sarah Tipton and fellow historical writer Marilyn Turk (currently writing about the 1940s). Don’t they look darling in their genre-appropriate outfits? If only Sandra could have been there too!
Then ’twas on to New Mexico and visit the dear friends there who’ve shared so much of their hearts and lives with me and my stories.
This time, I actually learned to shoot a bow and arrow–how successfully, I don’t know if I’ll confess–and got to visit the Navajo Code Talkers museum in Tuba City, Arizona, as well as an exhibit at Rehoboth Christian School on the Code Talkers and their amazing service in World War II. Quite the privilege, and a wonderful place for collecting photos and notes for the novel I’m working on now.
Aside from the Code Talker exhibits, I took more pictures of the skies than anything else. They were just magnificent while I was there. Can you see why I named my story as I did?
Well, thanks for sharing this little peek into my journey! Oh, and if you’d like, pop over to the Christian Fiction Historical Society–I had a guest post on Native American boarding schools published there today, and you’ll find many other fascinating bits of history from other writers as well. Blessings and enjoy!
Ohhhhh, I loved this!!
I am SO hoping and praying to visit that same lovely sky, very soon.
I hope you can, Jennifer! Keep me updated! 🙂
Kiersti, You look so beautiful and your dress is exquisite, too! Sarah and Marilyn look historically lovely, too! I really wish I had been there this year. Am planning for next year, Lord willing. Would love to meet you. Your story sounds so interesting and I the title really pops! I hope, when it’s published, they keep it. I can’t possibly think of a better one!
Oh, Laura, thank you so much! What a treat to find a comment from you. And I do hope to see you at next year’s ACFW, Lord willing! We actually did meet at the one in St. Louis two years ago in the bookshop, but I’m sure you don’t remember among all the fans you must have met–it was before we connected online. I remember, of course, having just fallen in love with your writing that summer–I was so thrilled to meet you! 🙂 Blessings to you and your family!