On Sunday I sat and watched as a script I’d written came to life. A project that’s been growing for four and a half years now, this little drama explores the journey of Mary, Joseph, and the other human participants in Jesus’ coming to earth, built into a musical around Michael Card’s beautiful […]
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Journey Toward Bethlehem, Day Twelve: Simeon

Thank you to all who have followed our Journey Toward Bethlehem this Christmas season! I hope you have been blessed as I have. (If you want to catch up on any parts you’ve missed, just click here!) May the Lord bless you each one with His Immanuel presence through the rest of this special […]
Journey Toward Bethlehem, Day Eight: Joseph

Join us as we continue this Advent Journey! Click here to read Days One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven. “Come, Thou long-expected Jesus Born to set Thy people free From our fears and sins release us Let us find our rest in Thee…” Evening light glints on the soldiers’ […]
Journey Toward Bethlehem, Day Seven: Mary

Join us as we continue this Advent Journey! Click here to read Days One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six. “Of the Father’s love begotten Ere the worlds began to be, He is Alpha and Omega, He the Source, the Ending He…” Mary Joseph came home tired tonight. He tries not […]
Where Is God When the World Is Dark: Meditating on Immanuel

Sometimes life is not easy. My family lived with and cared for my elderly grandmother for over eight years until she went to heaven at ninety-six. I’m so glad we had those years with her, and we have many sweet memories. But sometimes, not having a home of our own and being continually […]
God Works in a Weird Way

When’s the last time God worked the way you expected Him to work? Think about it a minute. Have you thought of an example yet? Me neither. So why do I keep expecting Him to? A couple of weeks ago, I started watching again History Channel’s “The Bible” series that I’d begun […]
Mustard Seeds, Yeast, and the Slowness of God

Sometimes God takes a whole lot longer than I’d like Him to. I know this isn’t unique to me. Moses, Abraham and Sarah, Elizabeth and Zechariah, all had to wait a very long time for God to fulfill His purposes and promises for their lives. And the Israelites—boy did they have to wait. […]
A Rock in the Midst of Change

I tend to like change. Until it actually happens. My sister is more realistic. She doesn’t like change, and she knows it. I’m a bit more all over the place. When a potential life change looms on the horizon, I get excited—perhaps it’s the latent pioneer girl in me. Then it actually hits: […]
God’s Guidance and 5 Small Loaves

I sat on the carpet in their living room, with these friends in their home on the Navajo Nation, and shared my heart. Last September, I’d just come from the ACFW conference in Indianapolis and then stopped to visit friends in New Mexico and Arizona. While staying with Mark Charles and his […]
It’s Going to be Okay

Our little gray kitty cat knows a number of words. She knows “Outside” and “Food” and her name, “Rosie.” And of course the ubiquitous “Here, kitty, kitty!” She’ll come to that call—at least when she wants to. Another phrase she seems to understand is, “It’s okay.” We use it often to reassure […]